What to do after Open Water?

You've finished your Open Water certification and are looking for more.

How about discovering different options in diving and learning how to help yourself and others?

Advanced Open Water

This is a great opportunity to try a number of different types of diving.  

In the course, you will do three assigned types of dives.  A Deep dive, a U/W Navigation dive, and a Peak Performance Buoyancy dive.  You pick two more from a large list of specialties.  You can try Photography, Wreck, Search & Recover, Altitude, or many more.  Just about any PADI specialty can qualify for inclusion in the Advanced Open Water Diver Course.  Better yet, your dives in the AOW course count as the first dive of the corresponding specialty.  So when you go on to that specialty you'll already be well on your way to the certification.

Click Here for more information on Advanced Open Water


Rescue Diver


We all want every dive to be perfect.  But sometimes it doesn't happen.  The Rescue Diver course teaches you to prevent problems both for you and other divers.  It also teaches you what to do when someone needs help.

In the course you'll learn how to make good decisions about your diving so you can have a great time.  You'll learn how to spot and address potential or actual problems in other divers.  When anyone has a problem we all are affected.

If a problem does occur during a dive you'll learn what to do to help.  It might be calming a distressed diver, helping someone back to shore, or even locating a diver underwater and helping them back to the surface.

Rescue Diver is a course that will teach you a set of skills you'll be very glad you have.

Click Here for more information about Rescue Diver

