Open Water Scuba Diver Courses
Learn the basics of Scuba in the pool. Then do your Open Water Training Dives with us. They're Included!
Special Notes:
- You must preregister to take a course.
- All Courses are limited in size.
- Deadline to emroll in a course is when the course is full or one week before the start, whichever comes first.
- Online portion should be completed before the pool starts
Cost of course: $350
- Payment Breaksown
- $50.00 deposit holds your spot.
- $150.00 payment releases online course materials
- $150.00 payment finalizes your pool sessions
- Total paid is $350.00
- Included in Open Water Scuba Diver course - :
- Pool sessions to learn the skills needed.
- Online PADI Open Water eLearning to develop your diving knowledge.
- Use of scuba-specific rental gear for the pool and the Open Water dives.
- Open Water Training dives. Show what you learned in the pool.
- PADI certification card.The most respected and recognized certification card in the world.
- Your PADI card is good for a lifetime and never expires.
Need more info? Click here for FAQs
Already bought the PADI online learning? Call the store for details to see if you can get credit for your purchase.
Prefer to do book-based learning? Call the store for details and pricing.
Going to do your dives with another facilty or on vacation? You can get a referral to do your dives with any PADI Instructor or Facility (there may be additional fees for your dives).
Availability: In Stock